Spanning Sync's eponymous utility is designed to perform just one task easily and efficiently: syncing event information between on your Mac and the free service. Although it does the job adequately, it fails to sync some important data-and if you use it to keep multiple users' iCal calendars in sync, even more complications arise.Google recently added CalDAV support to Google Calendar. So if you're using the Leopard version of iCal, you can now to a Google Calendar, with full read-write capabilities on both sides. However, at the moment, the combination of iCal and Google Calendar alone has several problems-including an inability to sync properly with iPhones, lack of support for non-Roman characters, and limited technical support-so Spanning Sync still serves a useful role.The user interface of Spanning Sync (a pane added to the System Preferences application) is simplicity itself.
After entering your Google ID and password, you select a checkbox to turn the service on, choose a syncing frequency from a pop-up menu, and select the iCal calendars you want to sync. Idm for mac free download. For each calendar, you pick one of your existing Google calendars as its online mate. Spanning Sync then merges the information in the two calendars and keeps them up to date as you modify the data on either one.
Jul 11, 2019 Spanning Sync Spanning Sync 3 is the one app that syncs both iCal with Google Calendar and Address Book with. Created by Charlie Wood. Commercial; Mac.
(In this respect, Spanning Sync is much easier to comprehend than BusySync's publish-and-subscribe model, which can't directly merge existing calendars.). The briefest possible interval between automatic syncs is ten minutes. This could result in missing information-for example, if you make a change in iCal and then, five minutes later, put your Mac to sleep and head off to work, the new event information may not appear in Google Calendar. I therefore frequently found myself syncing manually, and although that required just one click, it became a hassle over time.When Spanning Sync copies data from iCal to Google Calendar, it can upload only the information Google supports. Because Google Calendar has no concept of to-do items or attachments, those items won't be available online.
As a result, if you decide to keep iCal on multiple Macs (or multiple users on a single Mac) in sync by connecting to a given shared Google Calendar with Spanning Sync, be aware that some data won't sync among users.For each iCal calendar you want to sync, you can choose any of your existing Google Calendars as its online counterpart.Worse, though, is the fact that alarms and meeting attendees-which Google Calendar does support-don't get synchronized either. (Any event you create in iCal will show up in Google Calendar with the default reminders for that calendar.) Competitor BusySync does synchronize that data, with a few qualifications. On the plus side, using Google Calendar as a conduit for syncing iCal at least guarantees that syncing will continue to work if any of the computers go offline.Macworld's buying advicePrior to the introduction of, Spanning Sync met an important need, making it possible to edit your iCal calendars from any location with a Web browser. However, if that's all you need to do, MobileMe now makes that easier and more convenient than using Google Calendar-assuming you don't mind the US$99-per-year fee. (You can, by the way, use both services together if you want.) If you prefer to stick with Google (or if you need access to a Google Calendar someone else has shared), Spanning Sync gives you most of the same calendar syncing and editing capabilities, at a significantly lower cost.
But it's not ideal for keeping multiple copies of iCal in sync with one another because so many kinds of data don't survive the round-trip to Google; for that task, BusySync is a much better choice. Meanwhile, Google Calendar's new CalDAV support means people with very basic syncing needs can link iCal and Google Calendar directly, leaving out the middleman entirely.Joe Kissell is the senior editor of TidBits and the author of numerous e-books about OS X.This story, 'Spanning Sync 1.2.1' was originally published.
This problem is random and happens to the appointments that have recurrence.I create appointment under Outlook 2016 Win/Online365, and it looks ok there, shows on correct day and start/end time 00:00. Then I open Calendar view in Outlook 2016 Mac and the appointment shows on next day and spans 2 days, and when open the appointmentits has correct day, set as 1 day event, but the start/end time is 23:15 or 23:16. If i edit the recurrence settings in mac, correct the start/end time to 00:00, save it bounce back to the same as before, show as 2 day appointment and the start/end time goesback to 23:15. Open the settings again and now it says its a 2 day event. If I change it to 1 day event, and keep the wrong time 23:15, then i get warning saying: Event start at 23:00 in your computer's time zone.If i delete this appointment and create it under Mac and save it then it shows on correct day as 1 day. Going back to Win the appointment shows as 2 day appointment, but with start/end time 00:00.So is this a timezone problem?, Outlook in both Win/Mac are set to Monrovia timezone, Mac is set to Greenwich with closest city Reykjavik Iceland.
There does not seem to be any Monrovia timezone there to choose. If it was a timezone problem then I wouldunderstand that it would be 1 hour off, not 23:15 or 23:16.Then some issues i found on the web, point to the Exchange server, could that be the problem here, but I dont have access to is so cannot check the settings there.But at least all is fine under outlook win/online365, but show wrong under mac if the appointment is created in Win/365, but then wrong on all places if created under Mac. For me, all of the birthdates that sync from to Outlook 2016 (Mac) are 1 day earlier than they should be when seen in the People view. However, in the Calendar view, the birthdate entries are correct and only span 1 day. Except for two entries.Two of the entries the Calendar view show the birthdate spanning two days and each of these two entries has the birthday starting 1 day after the correct date.
(And the People view still shows the birthday 1 day earlier like all of the other entries inthe People view.)These two entries have birth years in 1951 and 1931. The entry with a birth year of 1951 will appear correct in the Calendar view if I use a birth year of 1987 to present. The entry with a birth year of 1931 will appear correct in the Calendar view ifI use a birth year of 1955 to present. By 'correct' I mean on the proper date and spanning just a single day.
But in neither case is the People view correct - these are always 1 day prior to the actual date in, these two entries have birth months in October and April - when previous DST dates have occurred. So as a second test, if I leave the birth years as-is (1951 and 1931 respectively) but I change the birth months toNovember and May (when DST dates did not occur) then the Calendar view shows the birthday as a single-day entry and it matches the same month/day in I write this another test has occurred.