Most Linux distributions configure the Bash prompt to look something like username@hostname:directory$. But you can configure the Bash prompt to contain whatever you like, and even choose whatever colors you like. The example steps here were performed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The process should be the same on other Linux distributions, although. The following will add colour to the main Git commands: color branch = auto. This to your.bashprofile to ensure your changes are picked up each time you open. Themes are how bash-git-prompt allows for user configuration of the output.
# ActualRiley /cygdrive /c /users /Riley /Documents /Project-Directory $# ExpectedRiley /cygdrive /c /users /Riley /Documents /Project-Directory (repository-name ) $# ActualRiley /cygdrive/c/users/Riley/Documents/Project-Directory $# ExpectedRiley /cygdrive/c/users/Riley/Documents/Project-Directory (repository-name) $Since we are working with GitHub and making pull requests, this stuck out as an important feature.Solution:Before modifying your existing.bashrc file, it’s a good idea to make a backup copy of it. # Change Directory to cd # Ensure the.bashrc file exists in this directory ls -a # Make a backup copy of the file cp.bashrc.bashrc-backup# Open the.bashrc file for editing in notepad or a editor of your choice:)notepad.bashrc# Change Directory to cd # Ensure the.bashrc file exists in this directoryls -a# Make a backup copy of the filecp.bashrc.bashrc-backup# Open the.bashrc file for editing in notepad or a editor of your choice:)notepad.bashrcAdd the following code at the bottom of the.bashrc file with your editor and save it.
Here are a couple of things you can do:Editors + CodeA lot of editors have syntax highlighting support. Vim and emacs have it on by default.
You can also.You can also syntax highlight code on the terminal by using as a command-line tool.grepgrep -color=auto highlights all matches. You can also use export GREPOPTIONS='-color=auto' to make it persistent without an alias. If you use -color=always, it'll, which confuses things.lsls -color=alwaysColors specified by: export LSCOLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33'(hint: dircolors can be helpful)PS1You can set your PS1 (shell prompt) to use colours. For example: PS1='e33;1mu@h: e31mWe0m$ 'Will produce a PS1 like:yellowlucas@ubuntu: rednormal$You can get really creative with this. As an idea: PS1='ese0;0He1;33mh tne1;32mThis is my computereuu@h: w$ 'Puts a bar at the top of your terminal with some random info. (For best results, also use alias clear='echo -e 'e2Jnn'.)Getting Rid of Escape SequencesIf something is stuck outputting colour when you don't want it to, I use this sed line to strip the escape sequences: sed 's/^0-9;.a-zA-Z//gi'If you want a more authentic experience, you can also get rid of lines starting with e8m, which instructs the terminal to hide the text. (Not widely supported.) sed 's/^^8m.$//gi'Also note that those ^s should be actual, literal ^s.
Once the “press 1 to continue” text appears, it’s time to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii. Installing the Homebrew Channel and BootMii. The HackMii installer is currently at version 1.2. It allows you to do two things, install the all-important HBC and optionally, BootMii. We recommend both. Click “continue” when you’re. MPlayerWii uses a wrapper to enable it to work with the wii. Unfortunately, the changes needed to enable subtitles on the wii cannot be done through this wrapper, but instead would require changes to the actual mplayer code. It is not clear if this will be done or even if it is possible at the moment. How to install mplayer on wii homebrew channel.
You can type them by pressing ^V^ in bash, that is Ctrl + V, Ctrl +. Grep and ls have already been mentioned, if you want a lot more colors check out, its initial purpose was to colorize logfiles, but right out of the box it also colorizes ping, traceroute, gcc, make, netstat, diff, last, ldap, and cvs.It's easily extended if you know regexes. I've added ps and nmap to the list (if you get into grc I'll be more than glad to share the.conf files for those two tools)(Btw, to install it via synaptic, pacman, and alike you might have better luck searching for 'grc').