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Europa Universalis 3 Complete Patch Italy Flag

вторник 14 апреля admin 60

Mar 07, 2017  This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Europa Universalis III Complete for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a. Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Europa Universalis III: In Nomine z gatunku Gry Strategiczne. Default Italian army names are now actually in Italian. Added the 'Emergency talks' flag as a positive modifier to the 'War ends with negotiated.

Primary culture
Lombard (Latin)
Capital provinceGovernment
Feudal Monarchy
State religionTechnology group
+20% Global trade power
+50% Improve relations

Not a Geographical Construct

−10% Stability cost modifier

The Tradition of the Legion

+15% Infantry combat ability

Mare Nostrum

−15% Galley cost
+20% Galley combat ability

The Office of Censor

+33% National manpower modifier

Italian Tax Reform

+15% National tax modifier

Heir to the Empire

+1 Yearly prestige

The Path to Citizenship

−25% Core-creation cost


+20% Fort Defense
For the region, see Italy (region).

Italy is one of the formable countries that can be formed by any country with a Latin culture group. Theoretically, could also form Italy after integrating Naples and culture shifting. The Holy Roman Empire and can't form Italy.

Any nation on the Italian peninsula is a viable option for forming Italy. The most powerful states which hold provinces necessary to form Italy in 1444 are , which can easily form and expand from there; , which begins the game with among the highest-developed provinces in Europe and can soon adopt the unique Ambrosian Republic government type, and and , two powerful merchant republics in northern Italy with holdings elsewhere in the Mediterranean. starts off in a personal union under Aragon, but can quickly make powerful allies, reclaim its independence and its Sicilian cores, and find itself the most powerful force on the peninsula. is also an option, with the potential to ally France and gain a power base in the Genoa trade node before forming and, as in history, going on to unify the peninsula.

Unlike other Catholic countries, Italy does not get a penalty for owning the province of Roma or being the overlord of the Papal States.


As the heart of the Renaissance, our nation is blossoming culturally. We have just entered the beginning of what looks like a prolonged artistic rebellion, especially in the field of architecture and literature. The cultural evolution is not aiding our country in maintaining peace within our borders however. Our country is continuously stricken by foreign states seeking power and territorial gain.

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Potential requirements

does not exist.
The country:

  • is not the or
  • has a primary culture in the Latin culture group.
  • is not a colonial nation.
  • has not yet enacted this decision.

If the country is AI-controlled then it:

  • can not be a former colonial nation.
  • must own at least 15 cities.
  • can not be a custom nation.

The country:

  • has an administrative technology of at least level 10.
  • is not a subject nation other than a tributary state.
  • is not at war.
  • owns its core provinces:
    • Genoa (101),
    • Milan (104),
    • Modena (106),
    • Verona (108),
    • Mantua (109),
    • Firenze (116),
    • Siena (117),
    • Roma (118),
    • Ancona (119).

The country:

  • becomes .
  • moves its capital to Roma (118).
  • gets a permanent claim on every province of Italy (region) that it does not own.
  • gains 25 prestige.

If the country:

  • is a member of the Holy Roman Empire but not the emperor or an elector then
    • all its provinces are removed from the HRE.
    • the emperor gets the event ‘Italy breaks out of the Empire’.
    • the emperor gets the opinion modifier “Left the Holy Roman Empire” towards Italy, worth −150 with a yearly decay of 1.
  • is a duchy then
    • Italy becomes a kingdom.
  • does not have custom ideas then
    • Italy gets the event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’.
Provinces in red are required to be owned and cored to form Italy. The provinces of colour mark the Italian region.


Form Italy.
Western technology group
Eastern technology group
Anatolian technology group
Muslim technology group
Nomadic technology group
Central African technology group
East African technology group
Muslim technology group
West African technology group
Eastern technology group
Muslim technology group
Indian technology group
Chinese technology group
Nomadic technology group
Western technology group
Mesoamerican technology group
North American technology group
Andean technology group
South American technology group
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