HTML5 isn’t as confusing as it once was, but it still isn’t straightforward. It’s an evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, change in the ongoing story of markup—and if you’re currently creating websites with any version of HTML, you’re already using HTML5.
The Free Web to PDF is a tool that converts web pages to the PDF format. It is a very useful tool for web designers and developers as it is very simple to handle and produces the best results.
Apart from the printing advantages, there are several other reasons for such a conversion. PDF is a file type that is preferred by a number of companies across the world. By converting the content in websites to this format, it will be easier to manage it and share it with others. If there is a need for only a few pages to be converted, the same can be achieved with the help of the Free Web to PDF converter.
It is a very small file that can be installed onto a system within a few minutes. It does not contain any viruses and that makes it absolutely safe. Anyone who has a system that runs on Windows OS, notwithstanding the version, can download it without any glitches. The software also supports images and converts them to PDF in the same manner as text. One of the most important features of this freeware is the interface. It is straight forward and does not contain any complex settings which might confuse the users. There are no hidden charges whatsoever and users do not have to subscribe for any updates.
The Free Web to PDF can be used by a maximum number of people as it is available in a number of languages, other than English. Users can add passwords to the resultant files in order to protect them and can even include live links for their convenience. There is no need for any additional installments such as Adobe Acrobat. The freeware is an impressive standalone app which meets all the checks.
The Free Web to PDF is a tool that converts web pages to the PDF format. It is a very useful tool for web designers and developers as it is very simple to handle and produces the best results. Apart from the printing advantages, there are several other reasons for such a conversion. PDF is a file type that is preferred by a number of companies across the world. By converting the content in websites to this format, it will be easier to manage it and share it with others. If there is a need for only a few pages to be converted, the same can be achieved with the help of the Free Web to PDF converter.
It is a very small file that can be installed onto a system within a few minutes. It does not contain any viruses and that makes it absolutely safe. Anyone who has a system that runs on Windows OS, notwithstanding the version, can download it without any glitches. The software also supports images and converts them to PDF in the same manner as text.
One of the most important features of this freeware is the interface. It is straight forward and does not contain any complex settings which might confuse the users. There are no hidden charges whatsoever and users do not have to subscribe for any updates. The Free Web to PDF can be used by a maximum number of people as it is available in a number of languages, other than English. Users can add passwords to the resultant files in order to protect them and can even include live links for their convenience. There is no need for any additional installments such as Adobe Acrobat. The freeware is an impressive standalone app which meets all the checks.
Crowther, R., Lennon, J., Blue, A., and Wanish, G. (2014) HTML5 in Action, Manning Publications Co.(ZIP 510KB)(PDF 15.2MB)HTML5 in Action provides a complete introduction to web development using HTML5. You’ll explore every aspect of the HTML5 specification through real-world examples and code samples. It’s much more than just a specification reference, though. It lives up to the name HTML5 in Action by giving you the practical, hands-on guidance you’ll need to use key features.About the TechnologyHTML5 is not a few new tags and features added to an old standard—it’s the foundation of the modern web, enabling its interactive services, single-page UI, interactive games, and complex business applications. With support for standards-driven mobile app development, powerful features like local storage and WebSockets, superb audio and video APIs, and new layout options using CSS3, SVG, and Canvas, HTML5 has entered its prime time.About the BookHTML5 in Action provides a complete introduction to web development using HTML5. It explores the HTML5 specification through real-world examples and code samples.
It earns the name “in Action” by giving you the practical, hands-on guidance you’ll need to confidently build the sites and applications you—and your clients—have been wanting for years.This book concentrates on new HTML5 features and assumes you are familiar with standard HTML.What’s Inside. New semantic elements and form input types. Single-page application design. Creating interactive graphics. Mobile web appsPart 1 Introduction. SummaryPart 2 Browser-based apps2.
Chapter 2 Form creation: input widgets, data binding, and data validation2.1. Previewing the form and gathering prerequisites2.2. Building a form’s user interface2.3. Calculating totals and displaying form output2.4.
Checking form input data with the Constraint Validation API2.5. Providing fallbacks for unsupported browsers2.6. Chapter 3 File editing and management: rich formatting, file storage, drag and drop3.1. The Super HTML5 Editor: application overview, prerequisites and first steps3.2. Rich-text editing and geolocation3.3. Managing files locally: the File System, Quota Management, File, and File Writer APIs3.4. Adding drag-and-drop interactivity3.5.
Chapter 4 Messaging: communicating to and from scripts in HTML54.1. Individuals by pf strawson pdf. Server-sent events (SSE)4.2. Using WebSockets to build a real-time messaging web app4.3.
Messaging on the client side4.4. SummaryAppendix A: HTML5 and related specificationsAppendix B: HTML5 API referenceAppendix C: Installing PHP and MySQLAppendix D: Computer networking primerAppendix E: Setting up Node.jsAppendix F: Channel messagingAppendix G: Tools and librariesAppendix H: Encoding and FFmpegAppendix I: HTML nextAppendix J: Links and referencesGoldstein, A., Lazaris, L. (2011) HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World, First Edition, SitePoint Pty. LtdA newer edition of this book is available(PDF 9,509KB)(ZIP 2,326KB)Why should you learn HTML5 and CSS3?It works on just about every platform, is compatible with older browsers, and handles errors gracefully. You can create powerful, easy-to-maintain, future-proof web pages.Many common tasks are now simplified, putting more power in your hands.Additionally, you’ll have the freedom to be more expressive in the semantics of your markup.
No more tricky hacks or workarounds. Oh, and its easy to use and seriously fun!So, perhaps the question is, why would you not learn HTML5 and CSS3?HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World will show you how to create dynamic websites using these new technologies. No fluff or hype here – Only fun, effective techniques you can start using today.This easy-to-follow guide covers everything you need to know to get started today.
You’ll master the new semantic markup available in HTML5, as well as how to use CSS3 without sacrificing clean markup or resorting to complex workarounds.“HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World is the perfect book for those who are new to HTML5 and CSS3, as well as those who are familiar with these topics but want to dive in deeper. These three amazing authors have created one of the best HTML5 and CSS3 resources available today. Worth its weight in gold!” Russ Weakley. IntroductionChapter 1 Essential HTML5Chapter 2 Drawing in the Canvas ControlChapter 3 Dragging and Dropping with HTML5Chapter 4 Web Form ControlsChapter 5 Inline EditingChapter 6 Working with Browser HistoryChapter 7 Getting the Point Across with MessagingChapter 8 Using Video and AudioChapter 9 Web StorageChapter 10 The New HTML5 ElementsHogan, B. (2010) HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrow’s Standards Today, The Pragmatic ProgrammersDownload Source Code (ZIP 44,245KB)Download eBook PDF (PDF 11,533KB)HTML5 and CSS3 are the future of web development, but you don’t have to wait to start using them. Even though the specification is still in development, many modern browsers and mobile devices already support HTML5 and CSS3.
This book gets you up to speed on the new HTML5 elements and CSS3 features you can use right now, and backwards compatible solutions ensure that you don’t leave users of older browsers behind.This book gets you started working with many useful new features of HTML5 and CSS3 right away. Gone are the days of adding additional markup just to style a button differently or stripe tables. You’ll learn to use HTML5’s new markup to create better structure for your content and better interfaces for your forms, resulting in cleaner, easier-to-read code that can be understood by both humans and programs.You’ll find out how to embed audio, video, and vector graphics into your pages without using Flash. You’ll see how web sockets, client-side storage, offline caching, and cross-document messaging can ease the pain of modern web development.
And you’ll discover how simple CSS3 makes it to style sections of your page. Throughout the book, you’ll learn how to compensate for situations where your users can’t take advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 yet, developing solutions that are backwards compatible and accessible.You’ll find what you need quickly with this book’s modular structure, and get hands-on with a tutorial project for each new HTML5 and CSS3 feature covered. “Falling Back” sections show you how to create solutions for older browsers, and “The Future” sections at the end of each chapter get you excited about the possibilities when HTML5 and CSS3 reach widespread adoption.
Get ready for the future – it’s here already.Keith, J. (2010) HTML5 For Web Designers, A Book ApartA more recent edition of this book is available.(PDF 696KB)The HTML5 spec is 900 pages and hard to read.
HTML5 for Web Designers is 85 pages and fun to read. Easy choice.HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing.
What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today’s browsers?In this brilliant and entertaining user’s guide, Jeremy Keith cuts to the chase, with crisp, clear, practical examples, and his patented twinkle and charm.Lowery, J.W. And Fletcher, M. (2011) HTML5 – 24-Hour Trainer, Wrox Programmer to Programmer, Wiley PublishingDownload Source Code (ZIP 26,838KB)Comprehensive written and interactive instruction for learning HTML5HTML is the core technology for building websites. Today, with HTML5 opening the Internet to new levels of rich content and dynamic interactivity, developers are looking for information to learn and utilize HTML5. Introduction xxvGetting Section I: Started with HT ML5Lesson 1: What Is HT ML? 3The Language of the Web 3How Browsers Style Web Pages 5The Latest Version: HTML5 6Try It 7Lesson 2: Creating Your First Web Page 9HTML5 Syntaxes: An Embarrassment of Riches 9Understanding Basic Page Structure 10Try It 12Lesson 3: Viewing Web Pages 15Opening Files in a Browser 15Setting a Web Workflow 16Try It 18Section II: Styling Your Web PageLesson 4: What Is CSS?
IntroductionHow to use this book. Review the technology covered. Learn how to design with the technology.
Analyze a project using the technology covered in sectionHow HTML 5 came to be. Why Tag based languages matter. Building HTML 5 from standards.
Why should HTML 5 be important to you?. Which Web Browsers Support HTML 5. Beyond the PC: the browser is on your phone, your game system and even your fridgeHTML 5: New HTML 5 Tags for DesignersHTML 5 is the first major release of the HTML Web Standard in more than a decade. This release is comprised of several key sections (CSS3, CANVAS, JavaScript). The most fundamental changes come with the core TAG base language of HTML itself. In HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers, two pioneering web developers provide a comprehensive guide to HTML5’s powerful new elements and techniques through compact, practical, easy-to-understand examples. You’ll discover just how much you can do with HTML5―from programming audio/video playback to integrating geographical data into pages and applications.This concise, friendly reference is packed with tips, tricks, and samples for making the most of HTML5 with JavaScript and the DOM.
The authors present “pure HTML5” examples that are supported by browsers right now, and they share realistic insights into the challenges of leading-edge HTML5 development. All examples are available for download, with links to web resources for new information and specification updates.
Preface xiAbout the Authors xiiiChapter 1: Overview of the New Web Standard 11.1 How It All Started 11.2 Time Travel through Historic Events 71.3 In Medias Res 91.4 Can I Start Using HTML5 Now? HTML5 is more than a markup language—it’s a dozen independent web standards all rolled into one. Until now, all it’s been missing is a manual. With this thorough, jargon-free guide, you’ll learn how to build web apps that include video tools, dynamic drawings, geolocation, offline web apps, drag-and-drop, and many other features. HTML5 is the future of the Web, and with this book you’ll reach it quickly.The important stuff you need to know:.
Structure web pages in a new way. Learn how HTML5 helps make web design tools and search engines work smarter. Add audio and video without plugins. Build playback pages that work in every browser. Draw with Canvas.
Create shapes, pictures, text, and animation—and make them interactive. Go a long way with style.
Use CSS3 and HTML5 to jazz up your pages and adapt them for mobile devices. Build web apps with rich desktop features.
Let users work with your app offline, and process user-selected files in the browser. Create location-aware apps. Write geolocation applications directly in the browser.Table of Contents.
Master innovative and eye–catching website design with the exciting new Treehouse Series of booksTurn plain words and images into stunning websites using HTML5 and this beautiful, full–colour guide. Taking you beyond the constraints of prebuilt themes and simple site building tools, this new Treehouse book combines practicality with inspiration to show you how to create fully customized, modern, and dazzling websites that make viewers want to stop and stay.The exciting new Treehouse Series of books is authored by Treehouse experts and packed with innovative design ideas and practical skill–building. And Hyslop, B.
(2012) HTML5 and CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide, Creative Edge, PeachPit PressThere is a newer edition of this bookDownload eBook PDF (PDF 37,465KB)Download Source Code (ZIP 9,188KB)Companion Website:Want to learn how to build Web sites fast? This best-selling guide’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with HTML5 and CSS3 in no time. This Seventh Edition is a major revision, with approximately 125 pages added and substantial updates to (or complete rewrites of) nearly every page from the preceding edition.
Authors Elizabeth Castro and Bruce Hyslop use clear instructions, friendly prose, and real-world code samples to teach you HTML and CSS from the ground up. This short book provides a practical introduction to HTML5. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the predominant language of web pages. Originally developed as a way to describe and share scientific papers, HTML is now used to mark up all sorts of documents and create visual interfaces for browser-based software.With HTML5, however, HTML has become as much an of API for developing browser-based software as it is a markup language. In this book, we’ll talk about the history of HTML and HTML5 and explore its new features.It covers:.
HTML5 basics. Multimedia. Canvas and SVG. HTML5 applications. HTML5 APIsHTML5 is required knowledge for every professional web designer and developer.
This book will quickly get you up to speed with the fundamentals of HTML5 and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own. Get up to speed with HTML5 in a weekend.Everything you need to know about HTML5 in one place!If you’re any sort of web developer then you need to know HTML. The language has undergone some dramatic changes in recent years: HTML5 has come onto the scene, offering a slew of exciting new features, like native audio and video, vector graphics, offline apps, and much more.This book is the perfect primer to get to grips with HTML5, and start to take advantage of its power in your projects. What you’ll learn. The Web Workers API.
The Geolocation API. The Server-sent Events API. The WebSocket API.
The Cross-document Messaging APIThis is a short book, so we’ll be unable to cover each of these APIs exhaustively; nor will we be building complex real-life applications with each one. However, we will provide code snippets for the APIs, and provide example use cases for each of them.
This book is for intermediate web developers. You should be familiar with HTML and the fundamentals of JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM).
It’s unnecessary to have a deep knowledge of JavaScript. Still, you should understand event handling, JavaScript data types, and control structures such as while loops and if-else conditionals. We’ll keep our script examples fairly simple, though, and will explain them line by line.Butters, K.
(2013) Jump Start HTML5: Canvas and SVG, SitePoint Pty. Ltd.(PDF 3,999KB)Download Source Code (ZIP 73,633KB)Once upon a time, rich graphics and animations had to be prepared—and presented—using technologies like Flash and Silverlight. HTML5′s element makes it easy to create graphics that load in a flash, don’t need plugins, and are easily manipulated with JavaScript. What’s more is completely free to use, and works across different devices — making it the perfect choice for mobile-first web design.Jump Start HTML5: Canvas and SVG will show you how to put this powerful new technology to use in your own designs in a single weekend!Brown, T.
(2013) Jump Start HTML5: Multimedia, SitePoint Pty. Ltd.Download eBook PDF (PDF 7,755KB)Download Source Code (ZIP 9,591KB)One of the biggest advances of HTML5 is its multimedia capabilities. In the bad old days of the web, watching a video clip or listening to music required a browser plugin. If the user didn’t have the plugin installed, she’d have to wait for it to download, then wait for it to install, then restart her browser and find her way back to the page.For developers, plugins often required expensive software and specialized know-how. Each plugin had its own authoring environment and slightly different methods for embedding in an HTML document. Building a Flash video player, for example, required a license for Flash or Flash Builder and familiarity with ActionScript.
Encoding your file in Windows Media meant that non-Windows users were locked out of your content (that is, until compatible plugins emerged for other platforms).These days, multimedia on the web is much easier. We can add audio or video to our web documents with an or tag. This book is aimed at intermediate HTML developers. Over the course of it, we will build both an audio and video player using HTML5.
We’ll assume that you’re familiar with the basics of HTML5. If not, start with Jump Start HTML5: Basics.Many of our examples also use JavaScript to interact with the APIs for audio and video. Don’t let that scare you, however. Most examples won’t use heavy-duty scripting, and will feature explanatory text. Still, if you’re unfamiliar with JavaScript, you may like to read SitePoint’s by Kevin Yank, for an introduction. Also offers learning resources and documentation for both JavaScript and the Document Object Model.Brown, T.
(2013) Jump Start HTML5: Offline Applications, SitePoint Pty. Ltd.(PDF 1,820KB)(ZIP 22KB)One of the greatest features introduced with HTML5 is support for offline functionality. Before HTML5, if you wanted any kind of persistent storage for your web-based application, there were three options. cookies. Flash local shared objects. server-side data storageAs a means to store significant amounts of data, cookies were a poor option historically. Cookies are limited to 4KB of data, and browsers typically limit cookies to 50 per domain.
That’s about 200KB of data per domain, and we can’t control what is deleted with the 51st cookie. But the biggest deal-breaker with cookies for offline apps is that they’re restricted to the domain that created them—they fail to work offline.Local shared objects (LSOs) are a little bit better since they’re stored on the client, and aren’t sent with each request. LSOs allow an application to store up to 100MB of data before asking the user to store more. Unfortunately, they also depend on the user having Flash installed.The other alternative, of course, is server-side data storage. Server-side storage allows us to store much larger amounts of data; however, server-side storage often requires a database server, and it always requires an internet connection. If this connection is interrupted somehow—for example, while passing through a tunnel on a mobile device—we’d likely suffer from data loss.HTML5’s offline capabilities solve many of these problems. They make it possible to use applications when internet connectivity is patchy or unavailable.
Mind, you’ll still need a server to deliver your files to the user, and your users will require an internet connection to download those files. But offline applications allow us to work even when our internet doesn’t. This book is for intermediate web developers. You should be familiar with HTML and the fundamentals of JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM). It’s unnecessary to have deep knowledge of JavaScript. Still, you should understand event handling, JavaScript data types, and control structures such as while loops and if-else conditionals.
We’ll keep our script examples simple, though, and explain them line by line.If you’re unfamiliar with JavaScript, you may like to read SitePoint’s by Kevin Yank for an introduction. Also offers fantastic learning resources and documentation for both JavaScript and the DOM.Hales, W. (2013) HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps – Bridging the Gap Between the Web and the Mobile Web, O’Reilly Media(PDF 11,476KB)Download Source Code:This hands-on book looks past the hype and buzzwords surrounding HTML5 and gives you a conservative and practical approach to using HTML5, JavaScript MVC frameworks, and the latest W3C specifications. You’ll quickly master how to build mobile and desktop web apps that are widely supported across all major web browsers and devices.Even though Web Storage, Web Workers, Geolocation, Device Orientation, and WebSockets have been covered many times in the past, it is often from a very high or basic level. This book goes into the trenches to review actual use cases for each of these APIs and gives real-world examples on how to use each one. The Definitive Guide to HTML5 provides the breadth of information you’ll need to start creating the next generation of HTML5 websites.
It covers all the base knowledge required for standards-compliant, semantic, modern website creation. It also covers the full HTML5 ecosystem and the associated APIs that complement the core HTML5 language.The Definitive Guide to HTML5 begins by tackling the basics of HTML5, ensuring that you know best practices and key uses of all of the important elements, including those new to HTML5. This section also covers extended usage of CSS3, JavaScript, and DOM manipulation, making you proficient in all core aspects of modern website creation.The final part of the book covers the associated W3C APIs that surround the HTML5 specification. You will achieve a thorough working knowledge of the Geolocation API, web storage, creating offline applications, and the new drag and drop functionality. The Definitive Guide to HTML5 also dives into the key media enhancements of HTML5 and its surrounding technologies: Canvas, video and audio.
Master Web Development with a robust set of templates to get your projects done quickly and effectivelyOverview. Master HTML5 Boilerplate as starting templates for future projects. Learn how to optimize your workflow with HTML5 Boilerplate templates and set up servers optimized for performance. Learn to feature-detect and serve appropriate styles and scripts across browser typesIn DetailHTML5 Boilerplate is the number one choice for many web developers to get their projects going. It provides a comprehensive set of starting templates to get your developments going, ensuring you don’t forget any important elements of a typical web project while also ensuring you are writing quality code and mark up. Learning how to use this framework of page and code templates will allow you to kick-start your projects quickly without losing out on quality.“HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development” will enable you to build new projects effectively with minimal effort. HTML5 Boilerplate allows you to deploy quality websites successfully and quickly while also ensuring robust cross-browser performance.
It takes you through the step-by-step process of creating a website and teaches you to take full advantage of the html layouts provided within HTML5 Boilerplate; be it styles, mark up, or code so you can accomplish your goals.This book will guide you through the process of building a music festival website, as an applicable example, using HTML5 Boilerplate. You will install, set up HTML5 Boilerplate and deploy production sites.First, we will look at how to install HTML5 Boilerplate so you can use it repeatedly to jumpstart your projects, then we will look at structuring your website using the base files. We will use Modernizr and feature detection to dynamically serve different styles and scripts based on support of certain features.
We will discover how to best configure our server to provide high performance and security for our website. Finally, we employ the Build Tool to combine files, remove comments and make the site ready for production use.“HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development” offers a well-rounded tutorial in expert web development; not just a starting place for web projects. HTML5 Boilerplate is the number one choice for many web developers to get their projects going.
It provides a comprehensive set of starting templates to get your developments going, ensuring you don’t forget any important elements of a typical web project while also ensuring you are writing quality code and mark up. Learning how to use this framework of page and code templates will allow you to kick-start your projects quickly without losing out on quality.“HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development” will enable you to build new projects effectively with minimal effort. HTML5 Boilerplate allows you to deploy quality websites successfully and quickly while also ensuring robust cross-browser performance. It takes you through the step-by-step process of creating a website and teaches you to take full advantage of the html layouts provided within HTML5 Boilerplate; be it styles, mark up, or code so you can accomplish your goals.This book will guide you through the process of building a music festival website, as an applicable example, using HTML5 Boilerplate. You will install, set up HTML5 Boilerplate and deploy production sites.First, we will look at how to install HTML5 Boilerplate so you can use it repeatedly to jumpstart your projects, then we will look at structuring your website using the base files. We will use Modernizr and feature detection to dynamically serve different styles and scripts based on support of certain features.
We will discover how to best configure our server to provide high performance and security for our website. Finally, we employ the Build Tool to combine files, remove comments and make the site ready for production use.“HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development” offers a well-rounded tutorial in expert web development; not just a starting place for web projects. It develops code snippets, links to further resources for and in addition to makes you understand the nuances of HTML5 Boilerplate. The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design has been fully revised from its critically acclaimed first edition, and updated to include all of the new features and best practices of HTML5 and CSS3. This book reveals all you’ll need to design great web sites that are standards-compliant, usable, and aesthetically pleasing, but it won’t overwhelm you with waffle, theory, or obscure details!
You will find The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design invaluable at any stage of your career, with its mixture of practical tutorials and reference material. Beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to read up on techniques they may not have used for a while, or to look up properties, attributes and other details. This book is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent place on your desk. The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design starts off with a brief introduction to the web and web design, before diving straight in to HTML5 and CSS3 basics, reusing code, and other best practices you can adopt. The book then focuses on the most important areas of a successful web site: typography, images, navigation, tables, layouts, forms and feedback (including ready-made PHP scripts) and browser quirks, hacks and bugs.
The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design is completely up-to-date, covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 9 and Firefox 4. The last chapter of the book provides several case studies to dissect and learn from, including all the most popular web site archetypes a blog, a store front, a corporate home page, and an online gallery. You’ll also appreciate several detailed reference appendices covering CSS, HTML, color references, entities, and more any details you need to look up will be close at hand. What you’ll learn The basics of HTML5 and CSS3 web. The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design has been fully revised from its critically acclaimed first edition, and updated to include all of the new features and best practices of HTML5 and CSS3. This book reveals all you’ll need to design great web sites that are standards-compliant, usable, and aesthetically pleasing, but it won’t overwhelm you with waffle, theory, or obscure details!You will find The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design invaluable at any stage of your career, with its mixture of practical tutorials and reference material. Beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to read up on techniques they may not have used for a while, or to look up properties, attributes and other details.
This book is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent place on your desk.The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design starts off with a brief introduction to the web and web design, before diving straight in to HTML5 and CSS3 basics, reusing code, and other best practices you can adopt. The book then focuses on the most important areas of a successful web site: typography, images, navigation, tables, layouts, forms and feedback (including ready-made PHP scripts) and browser quirks, hacks and bugs.The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design is completely up-to-date, covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 9 and Firefox 4. The last chapter of the book provides several case studies to dissect and learn from, including all the most popular web site archetypes—a blog, a store front, a corporate home page, and an online gallery. You’ll also appreciate several detailed reference appendices covering CSS, HTML, color references, entities, and more—any details you need to look up will be close at hand. HTML5 brings the biggest changes that HTML has seen in years. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from displaying video and audio natively in HTML, to creating realtime graphics directly on a web page without the need for a plugin.
But all of these new technologies bring more tags to learn and more avenues for things to go wrong. HTML5 Solutions provides a collection of solutions to all of the most common HTML5 problems.
Every solution contains sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project. What you’ll learn Real-world solutions for everyday HTML development, saving hours of frustration.
Problems covered include: Sending multi-bitrate videos to different devices Creating custom video components Programming a custom video controller Designing a canvas with custom gradients Capturing and drawing images Storing data offline using the Web SQL Databases Dragging data from the desktop into the browser Creating HTML5 WebSockets Who this book is for Web developers and designers seeking practical advice on making HTML5 sites work. Table of Contents HTML5 Page Structures HTML5 Markup Structural and Semantic Elements HTML5 Forms HTML5 Media Elements: Audio and Video HTML5 Drawing APIs HTML5 Canvas HTML5 Communication APIs HTML5 WebSockets HTML5 Geolocation API HTML5 Local Storage HTML5 Accessibility. HTML5 brings the biggest changes that HTML has seen in years. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from displaying video and audio natively in HTML, to creating realtime graphics directly on a web page without the need for a plugin.
But all of these new technologies bring more tags to learn and more avenues for things to go wrong. HTML5 Solutions provides a collection of solutions to all of the most common HTML5 problems. Every solution contains sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project.
What you’ll learnReal-world solutions for everyday HTML development, saving hours of frustration. Problems covered include:. Sending multi-bitrate videos to different devices. Creating custom video components. Programming a custom video controller. Designing a canvas with custom gradients. Capturing and drawing images.
Storing data offline using the Web SQL Databases. Dragging data from the desktop into the browser. Creating HTML5 WebSocketsWho this book is forWeb developers and designers seeking practical advice on making HTML5 sites work. HTML5 is here, and with it, web applications have acquired power, ease, scalability, and responsiveness like never before. With this book, developers will learn how to use the latest cutting-edge HTML5 web technology available in the most recent versions of modern browsers to build web applications with unparalleled functionality, speed, and responsiveness. This new edition includes major revisions for WebSockets functionality, reflecting the new W3C specification.
It also features new chapters covering the drag-and-drop API as well as SVG. Explains how to create real-time HTML5 applications that tap the full potential of modern browsers Provides practical, real-world examples of HTML5 features in action Covers all the new HTML5 APIs to get you up-to-speed quickly with HTML5 Fully updated to include the latest revisions of the WebSocket API, and much more. What you’ll learn How the HTML5 specification has evolved How to develop cutting-edge web applications using new HTML5 features like WebSockets, geolocation, web storage, Canvas, and audio/video Which features are available in modern browsers Who this book is for Web designers and developers who want to use the latest cutting-edge technology available in current browsers Developers who want to create dynamic, HTML5 web applications Developers who want to know which HTML5 features are supported by modern browsers. Overview of HTML5. Using the Canvas API.
Working With Scalable Vector Graphics. Working with Audio and Video. Using the Geolocation API. Using the Communication APIs. Using the WebSocket API. Using the Forms API.
Working with Drag-and-Drop. Using the Web Workers API. Using the Storage APIs. Creating Offline Web Applications. The Future of HTML5HTML5 is here, and with it, web applications take on a power, ease, scalability, and responsiveness like never before.
The Basics. Dice Game.
Bouncing Ball. Cannonball and Slingshot. The Memory (aka Concentration) Game. Fallout new vegas rideable horse mod.
Quiz. Mazes. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Hangman. BlackjackHTML5 opens up a plethora of new avenues for application and game development on the web. Games can now be created and interacted with directly within HTML, with no need for users to download extra plugins, or for developers to learn new languages.
Important new features such as the Canvas tag enable drawing directly onto the web page. The Audio tag allows sounds to be triggered and played from within your HTML code, the WebSockets API facilitates real-time communication, and the local storage API enables data such as high scores or game preferences to be kept on a user’s computer for retrieval next time they play. All of these features and many more are covered within The Essential Guide to HTML5.The book begins at an introductory level, teaching the essentials of HTML5 and JavaScript through game development. Each chapter features a familiar game type as its core example, such as hangman, rock-paper-scissors, or dice games, and uses these simple constructs to build a solid skillset of the key HTML5 concepts and features. Murphy, C., Clark, R., Studholme, O. And Manian, D. (2012) Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved (Expert’s Voice in Web Development), ApressDownload eBook PDF (PDF 21,269KB)Download Source Code (ZIP 48,453KB)Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 is your introduction to the new features and elements of HTML5—as a web developer you’ll learn about all the leaner, cleaner, and more efficient code available now with HTML5, along with some new tools that will allow you to create more meaningful and richer content.
For everyone involved in web design, this book also introduces the new structural integrity and styling flexibility of CSS 3—which means better-looking pages and smarter content in your website projects.For all forward-looking web professionals who want to start enjoying and deploying the new HTML5 and CSS3 features right away, this book provides you with an in-depth look at the new capabilities—including audio and video—that are new to web standards. You’ll learn about the new HTML5 structural sections, plus HTML5 and CSS3 layouts. You’ll also discover why some people think HTML5 is going to be a Flash killer, when you see how to create transitions and animations with these new technologies. So get ahead in your web development through the practical, step-by-step approaches offered to you in Beginning HTML5 and CSS3. HTML5: Now, Not 2022. Your First Plunge Into HTML5. New Structural Elements.
A Richer Approach to Content Markup. Rich Media. Paving the Way for Web Applications. CSS3―Here and Now. Keeping Your Markup Slim Using CSS3 Selectors.
A Layout for Every Occasion. Improving Web Typography. Putting CSS3 Properties to Work.
Transforms, Transitions, and Animation. The Future of CSSCook, C. And Garber, J. (2012) Foundation HTML5 and CSS3, friendsofEd, ApressDownload eBook PDF (PDF 11,584KB)Download Source Code (ZIP 15,868KB)If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML-the most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites. Foundation HTML5 with CSS3: A Modern Guide and Reference incorporates practical examples to show how to structure data correctly using HTML5, along with styling and layout basics using the latest release of Cascading Style Sheets, CSS3. This book is forward-thinking because all the featured code and techniques are standards-compliant, and it demonstrate best practices you won’t waste your time on outdated, bad techniques.
Your web pages will work properly in most web browsers and be accessible to web users with disabilities, easily located using popular search engines, and compact in file size. Even if you already know HTML5 and CSS3 basics, this book will still be useful to you. It features comprehensive reference tables, so you can look up troublesome attributes, codes, and properties quickly and easily. What you’ll learn Standards-compliant HTML5, not outdated techniques Styling and layout basics using CSS3 Who this book is for Web designers and developers who want to bring themselves up to speed in the correct usage of HTML5 and CSS3, or those starting out in modern web development. Table of Contents Getting Started HTML and CSS Basics The Document Structuring Content Embedding Media Linking the Web Constructing Tables Building Forms Page Layout with CSS Putting it All TogetherTable of Contents.
If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites.Foundation HTML5 with CSS3: A Modern Guide and Reference incorporates practical examples to show how to structure data correctly using HTML5, along with styling and layout basics using the latest release of Cascading Style Sheets, CSS3.This book is forward-thinking because all the featured code and techniques are standards-compliant, and it demonstrate best practices—you won’t waste your time on outdated, bad techniques. Your web pages will work properly in most web browsers and be accessible to web users with disabilities, easily located using popular search engines, and compact in file size.Even if you already know HTML5 and CSS3 basics, this book will still be useful to you. It features comprehensive reference tables, so you can look up troublesome attributes, codes, and properties quickly and easily. What you’ll learn.
Standards-compliant HTML5, not outdated techniques. Styling and layout basics using CSS3Who this book is forWeb designers and developers who want to bring themselves up to speed in the correct usage of HTML5 and CSS3, or those starting out in modern web development. HTML has been on a wild ride. Sure, HTML started as a mere markup language, but more recently HTML’s put on some major muscle. Now we’ve got a language tuned for building web applications with Web storage, 2D drawing, offline support, sockets and threads, and more.
And to speak this language you’ve got to go beyond HTML5 markup and into the world of the DOM, events, and JavaScript APIs.Now you probably already know all about HTML markup (otherwise known as structure) and you know all aboutCSS style (presentation), but what you’ve been missing is JavaScript (behavior). If all you know about are structure and presentation, you can create some great looking pages, but they’re still just pages. Designed to help experienced programmers develop real-world, job-role-specific skills—this Training Guide focuses on creating applications with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3.