XAMPP for Mac is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use. Download XAMPP Offline Installer Setup!
XAMPP is a free distribution package that makes it easy to install Apache Web Server, PHP, PEAR, and MySQL. Before installing XAMPP, you should turn off any other web servers and instances of MySQL you have running on your Mac.
XAMPP is a free distribution package that makes it easy to install Apache Web Server, PHP, PEAR, and MySQL. Before installing XAMPP, you should turn off any other web servers and instances of MySQL you have running on your Mac.
To start XAMPP simply open XAMPP Control (by going to /Applications/XAMPP/manager-osx.app in Finder) and start Apache and MySQL on the Manage Servers tab.
If your MySQL server isn't starting, you may need to set the permissions for it using Terminal with this command:
In your web browser, go to http://localhost. You should see the start page of XAMPP:
You will be asked to enter your Mac password; enter it and press enter. Then you will be asked if you want to set a password for your XAMPP pages, then for MySQL, and then for MySQL/phpMyAdmin user..to all of these just type 'n' for no and press enter.
Then it will say:
You should be able to get in.
NOTE: you should download the class files below before following these instructions, as it contains the Northwinds Database file(s).
NOTE: The following only applies if you are using Dreamweaver. If you are not, please ignore this section.
All your class files should be located in ApplicationsXAMPPxamppfileshtdocsWebucatorClassFiles
To test any of the class files in your browser, say ApplicationsXAMPPxamppfileshtdocsWebucatorClassFilesPHPBasicsDemosHelloWorld.php, you can use 1 of 2 methods:
Method 1:
Method 2:
Happy Mac XAMPPing!
An easy-to-use local testing server is one of the most important tools in a WordPress developer’s utility belt. Developing in a local environment lets you make changes to dev sites quickly and easily without having to transfer files anywhere and greatly reduces the risk of making breaking changes on a live server.While many computers are capable of hosting a WordPress site without needing to install any extra packages, there are a few advantages that a dedicated local development environment can offer. For example: most devs work on more than one project, so it’s extremely helpful to be able to quickly spin up new environments with dedicated urls.If you’re developing something like a WordPress theme or plugin, it’s also often necessary to make sure that your code runs well on different servers, under different versions of PHP and MySQL. Being able to switch those on the fly or at least select different configs for different dev sites is extremely helpful.Most of all though, you shouldn’t have to be a sysadmin in order to be able to spin up, maintain, and tear down development environments on your local machine, so we need something that’s easy to use and will do most of the heavy lifting for us.There are quite a few different applications and tools that fit this bill, but for now we’ll be comparing the 4 GUI-based tools that seem to me to be the largest players in this space:,.
XAMPPXAMPP, which you may be surprised to find out is pronounced “Shamp”, is probably the oldest local dev environment around and possibly the most complex. XAMPP stands for X-platform Apache MariaDB, PHP and Perl – It’s definitely the only local server that still touts Perl support as a major feature, so if you like to keep it, then this is definitely the one for you. InstallationInstalling XAMPP seems easy enough: just download the correct installer from their website and run it. In practice, however, maybe not so much.
I first tried installing XAMPP under a new user on my Mac laptop, the installer ran fine but that’s about all it did. Once the install was complete and I found the app that I needed to run (hint for users of Alfred/Spotlight as app launchers: it’s not called “XAMPP”, it is intuitively called “Application Manager”), I couldn’t get the server to start up. I chalked this up to the fact that I already had MAMP and Local installed on that machine and there was probably some conflict, but XAMPP never gave me any errors that I could track down, it just tried forever to start its server.After my failed attempt, I created a MacOS virtual machine so that I could provide XAMPP with the completely blank slate that it needed. Again, the install process went smooth, and this time the server started up as expected. Getting up and Running With WordPressSHAMP’s XAMPP’s interface, at least on MacOS, is less than intuitive. Maybe it’s because I’m used to a more app-based approach but it took me a bit to realize that most of XAMPP’s interface exists as a web app on localhost where it offers links to download bitnami modules for WordPress and other applications. I’m sure that you could install WordPress on XAMPP by downloading it directly, but bitnami is the only option that XAMPP gives you so that’s what I tried.The bitnami installer worked well enough, though I did have to restart it a couple of times before figuring out that I also needed to go back to the “Application Manager” and turn on MySQL.
When it finished its thing, I had a new WordPress install at which isn’t exactly what I wanted. I had thought that at some point in this process I would be able to select a hostname like “wp-local.dev”, but this wasn’t the case. In order to use hostnames other than “//localhost”, you have to dive into XAMPP’s Apache config and define them yourself. You then have to edit your computer’s hosts file to set up the domain name. While this is technically what any local development setup requires, most of the other options that we’re reviewing here do this for you pretty seamlessly, so I’m not super impressed with XAMPP for this reason alone. ReviewXAMPP starts off with a silly pronunciation (we can all agree, it should be pronounced “”) and continues the trend with a clunky install process, unintuitive interface, and lack of features.
XAMPP isn’t all bad, it’s been around for longer than most web developers and offers a workable solution not only for Mac users, but for Windows and Linux as well. Also, it’s completely free. After the harrowing install process, I don’t have the will to boot up a Windows or Linux VM just to test this out, so I’ll give XAMPP the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe the Mac app is just their weak link. If you’re looking for a local dev environment on MacOS and you don’t need to write Perl, I don’t recommend XAMPP. XAMPP Rating;;;;; ( 1/5 semicolons)Meh. At least it comes with an uninstaller.
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MAMP (Pro)MAMP (which comes with no pronunciation guide and so I’m assuming it’s pronounced “potato”) is the second most tenured local server that I know of. Again with the acronyms here, MAMP stands for Mac Apache MySQL and PHP and as the name suggests it’s Mac-only. I would apologize for reviewing a Mac-only product, but I don’t use Windows or (desktop) Linux, so I don’t care at all about those platforms or the people who use them. InstallationMAMP installation was a breeze compared to SHAMPP – you can probably chalk this up to MAMP’s focus on the Mac platform because the installer looks and feels at home on MacOS, runs quickly, and actually installs an app called MAMP.
Additionally, it installs MAMP Pro which you can use as a free trial for 2 weeks but will cost you $59 after that. Getting Up and Running with WordPressMAMP is a pretty general-purpose offering and doesn’t package installers for WordPress or any other applications, so you will have to spend 5 minutes doing it yourself.
With MAMP (free), this DIY requirement just involves unzipping the latest release of WordPress in MAMP’s default webroot at /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/, creating a database which you can do via phpMyAdmin (easily accessible from MAMP’s webstart page and then following the normal WordPress install instructions.
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