Anne Frank Web Quest Companion Guide Key. READERS' COMPANION TO THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. Not what others wanted her to be. Anne's reflections on personal, social, and political themes have as much relevance today as they did in the era of the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Organization of the Study Guide.
Use the Anne Frank WebQuest Companion Guide called 'Webquest Questions' to help you record your findings and thoughts for each of the three major tasks to be completed in class. Download and record your answers.One note - it's important that you do not view this assignment as something to simply 'get done,' just one more arduous task with blanks for you to fill in. Rather, explore these sites, even after you've answered the questions. Ask hard questions. The Holocaust was one of the greatest atrocities in the history of mankind. We must be informed, and we must never forget. You will first spend some time gathering research about the events that led to World War II.
You’ll look at the people, countries, and historical events that laid the background for Anne Frank’s story and record your findings in your companion guide. First, do a quick web search to find out which men led their countries during the war. Secondly, find out the dates WWII began and ended. Third, define the terms 'genocide' and 'anti-Semitism.' .
Fourth, visit to answer questions 5-10. Be sure to SUMMARIZE and to answer in your own words!. Fifth, once you've learned about the historical context of Anne's life, visit the to answer two more questions (#11-12) about her world-wide impact on the generations to follow her. Now it's time to look a little closer at the life of Anne Frank. Visit the to learn more about how she grew up. Read each section and take careful note of the pictures that accompany the text.
Click on 'Life in Germany' to begin answering the questions in your Companion Guide. Each of the main sections will have sub-categories separated by boxes for you to investigate. For example, 'Life in Germany' has the following sub-categories: Happy Years, Crisis & Anti-Semitism, The Rise of the Nazis, and Emigration Plans. You'll need to visit each sub-category to get the most out of your companion guide.After you've finished reading 'Life in Germany,' scroll up to the main navigation bar and roll your mouse over the words that say 'Anne Frank's History.' You can then click the next sections, like 'Emigrating to the Netherlands' and so on, to complete your guide.For an extra overview, the at the Anne Frank House provides some more information about the events leading up to and following World War II. This also breaks down each of the major individuals in Anne's life.
1 Name Date Anne Frank Web Quest Companion Guide Task 1: You will first spend some time gathering research about the events that led to World War II. You ll look at the people, countries, and historical events that laid the background for Anne Frank s story. (2 points each) 1.
The Major Players Country United States Britain Russia Germany Italy Main Leader Franklin D. Winston Stalin Hitler Benito 2. WWII started in and ended in. What does genocide mean? What does anti- Semitism mean?
Citing Your Sources! What websites did you use to find the answers for questions 1-3? What was the Holocaust? How many Jews were systematically killed in WWII?
What was The Final Solution? How many children were murdered in the Holocaust?
Were Jews the only ones murdered during the Holocaust? If not, who else did Hitler kill? How did the Nazis carry out their policy of genocide? What was Auschwitz?
12 Anne s Impact 11. When was Anne s diary first published? How many languages has Anne Frank s diary been translated into? Images of the Holocaust After visiting the website, write a brief summary of your reactions to the pictures.
What did you think? How did the pictures make you feel? ( pictures/ghetto+street.gif.html. ) Task 2: Now it's time to look a little closer at the life of Anne Frank. Use the resources found online at the Anne Frank House to learn more about this brave young teenager. (3 points each) Life in Germany 1.
When was Anne Frank born? How many siblings did she have?
What song does Otto Frank hear Storm Troopers singing in 1932 as he comes home from work (see Crisis and Anti- Semitism )? The German Invasion 4. In 1940, the Germans invade the Netherlands. What kinds of discrimination do the Jews experience as a result? What does the Frank family do when Margot, Anne s older sister, receives a call- up to go to a work camp in Germany? What will happen to the whole family if Margot doesn t register for the work camp?
The Hiding Place 7. Otto and Edith Frank go into hiding with their two children, Margot and Anne. What four other individuals also go into hiding them? How was the entrance to the Secret Annex concealed?
Who is Miep Gies? What, specifically, does she do for the family? Why was there a lot of tension in the Annex between the Jews in hiding? As the war rages on, Anne and her family often got news from the outside world. What was happening to all of the Jews unable to find hiding places? The Arrest 12. What punishment do Anne and her family receive for not turning themselves in voluntarily?
What task do they have at Camp Westerbork? At Auschwitz, what happens to the children, elderly, and sick? At Auschwitz, every man and woman receives a number, which is tattooed on their arm. What happens to their heads? What happens to their clothes? After arriving at Auschwitz, Anne and Margot are eventually separated from their mother and transferred to another concentration camp. What is the name of the camp they were transferred to?
How does Anne Frank die? What happens to her concentration camp only a few weeks after her death? After Anne and her family are captured, who finds and keeps Anne s diary?
Otto Frank Returns 18. Who was the only survivor of Anne Frank s family? Task 3: What was it like in the concentration camps? Holocaust survivors share their experiences through the Behind Every Name a Story project at the USHMM.
Choose two of these stories. Then, summarize and respond to them. (5 points for each story) Story 1 Summary. For this story, I chose to talk about.
(person s name) Story 1 Response. What reactions did you have when reading this account? How did it make you feel? What did you think about this person s experiences? Story 2 Summary. For this story, I chose to talk about. (person s name) 45 Story 2 Response.
What reactions did you have when reading this account? How did it make you feel? What did you think about this person s experiences? Eye- Witness Journal Visit this website: Then choose two of the six concentration camp survivors and read their stories. Once you've read their stories, write a journal entry from the point of view of a student your age held captive in a concentration camp. Think and write about what they might have experienced and any emotions or fears they might have felt.
Game DescriptionStep into the Mushroom Kingdom and explore the world of Mario in full 3D with this beautiful classic game - Super Mario 64!Released in 1996, the game was the first ever Mario game to utilize a 3D game world. It's up to Mario to go on a quest to explore the castle and save the Princess! In this game, Princess Peach has been taken custody once again by the giant evil turtle Bowser. Super mario 64 chaos edition rom. The game was very popular at the time and has left a long lasting impression on the game industry as a whole due to its 360 movement and dynamic camera system.
This journal entry should be well- thought out and it should reflect a level of maturity. (10 points) 5.